Managing a construction business involves a lot of complicated data. Each project often involves multiple contractor schedules, material deliveries, and a large budget to track and keep organized. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a program to help reduce the stress of all that data management? There are several different project management and financial management platforms, including Outpave, designed to make construction management easier. But not everyone in the industry is taking advantage of them. In this article, we’re going to discuss the challenges often associated with implementing financial management software, and how Outpave is working to mitigate these issues.
When it comes to implementing new software of any kind in your company, one of the first questions you’re going to ask is “How easy is it?” If setting up the software requires hours of intensive IT work, and then several more days of training to get one person set up to operate the system, it is not making your business less complicated. And once you get it set up, if your crews and contractors don’t understand how to use it, or are required to sit through hours of training sessions your business operations are going to grind to a halt.
That’s why Outpave has worked hard to keep our software as simple and easy to use and understand as possible. You won’t need a degree in IT to implement it into your business and if your crew knows how to work a smartphone, they will be able to understand how to use our platform. Plus if you need help understanding how to do a specific task in the platform, we’re developing quick, easy-to-digest training videos for your reference.
If your construction business has been around for any length of time, then you most likely have accounting software and maybe even project management software that you use. You may not be ready to make a change to those systems to start using expense management software. Fortunately, when you work with Outpave you don’t have to put aside those other systems. We are set up to easily integrate with several different accounting software and project management platforms. This will allow you to share data across platforms, reduce manual data entry, and improve your overall business operations without overcomplicating the process.
Now you might think that your business is complicated and there are specific, unique things you need in a finance management platform. Great. Let’s talk. Outpave offers a variety of customizable features on our platform. You can issue multiple expense cards and set unique parameters around each of those cards. We will help you set up your dashboard so that it shows you the data that is most important to your business operations. We’re here to ensure you have everything you need to keep your business growing.
If you’re ready to improve your construction company’s growth visit us online at outpave.com. Don’t forget to follow our social media channels for more information about how Outpave can enhance your financial management.